Hi, my name is Charles Lales, a french guy living in Germany Bavaria since 2013, and this is my website.
Why such digital presence, in times it is more trendy to shutdown social networking account or to hide from any search engine history..?
Well, 2 reasons.
Firstly it's kind of professional duty when you' re working in tech area / big company. It is important to authenticate your name and official profiles to prevent social engineering.
Secondly, I don't feel sharing some info about me or my hobbies as inquisition in my privacy / freedom restriction. In fact, it is the contrary and I always keep in mind respect and enthusiasm for such opportunity offered to us / our generation / privileged people. As positive and open mind, dreamer / unconscious would say others, I take it as an easy way to eventually share or connect with interesting people ;)
And why in English? Just because I'm too lazy to translate in French / German even if it could be useful exercise :-o
Google Maps Local Guide level 7
INSA (engineering school alumni)
Star Citizen (space simulation game crowd founded since 2012)
... enough! and of course, no data easy way connexion between these different accounts.. waiting for Google Open Social improvement!
Short resume
2013 - now: Airbus Helicopters, Ge
2010-2013: Airbus Defence and Space, Fr
2010: 3 months for Thales Avionics, Fr
2007-2009: temporary Pr. Assistant at University of Bordeaux Fr
2004-2007: Ph.D. in bio-computing at LaBRI / University of Bordeaux "Modeling and simulation biological processes", Bordeaux Fr
1999-2004: Engineer student at INSA Lyon Fr
Owner of websites (creation date)
charleslales.com (2003) -> you'r on it ;-)
lales.fr (2003) -> initial idea is to provide each family member its own webpage, e.g. charles.lales.fr
nicaiseghithie.com (2003) -> relatives with nature photography hobby
diyaquariumfilters.com (2019) -> hobby that could become more
miaquarium.com (2019) -> hobby that could become more as well
sandrastrasser.com (2019) -> .de (2017) -> girl friend freelance activity
leduracuire.fr (2020) -> native area local business, to prevent any parasitism / cyber squatting...
Most of these websites are powered by Google Sites, it is free and extremely accessible online website maker platform. There's no better solution currently for individual, club, school or small business to get an online presence. But this is not intended to make online shop... or at least, right now (2020) I'm not aware of any feature / module making this possible.